bigots vs. white nationalists

Little Green Footballs is trashing the anti-Islamic, pro-Western Vlaams Belang for supporting a “Flemish Flanders” and a “white Europe”. It says that anti-Islamic people should distance themselves from this party, i.e. let the only anti-Islamic party in Belgium die while we sit around and pretend to loathe jihad. The Vlaams Belang knows that European elites want to replace Europeans, who are white, with other people, who are not white. To oppose that replacement is to be simply white-nationalist, not “racist”, fascist, communist, Nazi, or neo-Nazi, though many white nationalists blame Jews for things they have not done.

People who insist on the replacement of white populations are bigots who cannot hide their hatred of the white race, and who will sell it out to a caliphate in a jiffy.

More from Little Green Footballs on the Vlaams Belang, and against the only significant anti-Islamic party in Sweden, the Sweden Democrats. (The Sweden Democrats piece relies on the notoriously unreliable and Leftist Wikipedia.)

The British National Party may be an Arab agent-provocateur party, thus dangerous. This goes, however, unmentioned, in the statements against it by Little Green Footballs, which finds it only “racist”.

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